Upcoming Hangouts

Find an Upcoming TFH Hangout

Please search the IKC PDS website using the button below for details of all upcoming hangouts

Search for a Hangout Facilitator under Instructor and use the drop down under Type to select the type of hangout you are interested in - student, instructor or in practice.

 Alternatively, you can check the Upcoming Events tab on Facebook Touch for Health UK on the relevant private group:

 Connect with Us
on Facebook at any time

Please connect with us on Facebook. A warm welcome awaits you! You can share with us asychronously at any time. Join us from the comfort of your office or home, from any time zone by commenting on our Facebook hangout posts. Or why not start your own post!

Please join the relevant Facebook group - UK TFH Student Support, UK TFH Instructors or UK TFH In Practice.


Hangout Topic Suggestions or
other Times/Time Zones

We welcome your ideas. Get in touch! Email me or any of the Hangout Faciliators if you would like to suggest a Touch for Health hangout topic, a different time or time zone for an upcoming hangout. We will be delighted to arrange it!

Knowledge is always developed and advanced in a community.
— Randy Bass, Georgetown University